RUN WITH US! Virtually, of course - it is 2021 after all.
On the 20th June, we will be hitting the road at first light and embarking on our 125km ultramarathon on the Capital Ring. And knowing that someone, somewhere, is running with us to help support the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Charity, will definitely keep us pushing on... 
So we want to invite YOU to be part of our relay: sign up to run for a 30 minute window between 4am and 10pm on the 20th June, wherever you are in the world. 
Get your family, friends and colleagues involved too! Maybe you want to see how far your team from work can go? Or maybe you just want something to get you moving on a Sunday? Distance, steps, heart rate - none of it matters, just getting out there, getting moving and getting involved!  
To sign up, simply follow the steps below!
Sign Up Instructions
1. Reserve your timeslot(s) by filling out this spreadsheet
2. Donate a minimum of £5 on our fundraising page
3. Spread the word, invite your friends and challenge your colleagues
4. Share a picture of your run and tag us @capital_ring_ultra
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